Community Partners

We would like to invite any and all community organizations who serve individuals with disabilities to be part of our event and share information about what you do and your services. Last year, we had 64 Athletes and over 200 spectators who were family and friends attend. This year, we are expecting to at least double that amount so this would be a great opportunity to showcase your organization and your support of inclusive sports.
We are asking that all community organizations also provide some type of activity or game that our Athletes and their family and friends can participate in while waiting in between their races.
Ideas for activities/games include, but are definitely not limited to:
  • Carnival games (ring toss, bean bag toss, horse shoes, etc.) preferably with small prizes
  • Educational Activities (lei making, face painting, arts and crafts, etc.)
  • Demonstrations/General Education: (health education, physical fitness training, cultural story-telling, teaching basic Hawaiian, etc)
*If any group needs ideas for activities they could provide or have any questions, please contact Ian at and write a note in the registration form asking for assistance.
All community organizations and vendors are asked to provide their own 10’x10’ canopy (or similar size), tables and chairs. If these items are not available, please write a message in the comments and our team will be in contact.
This is the first year we are inviting community organizations to be part of the event and we are very excited to have you join us.
Thank you again for your consideration and we hope to have you join us at our race for inclusion.